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Veggie Fueled Mama
My life as a mom raising vegan kids in the non-vegan Midwest
Welcome to Veggie Fueled Mama, my very own passion project: raising vegan children in a non-vegan town. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps Veggie Fueled Mama will ignite your own passions as well.

About The Blog
Truth be told, this blog was inspired by conversations with friends. I was inspired to document my journey as an older new mom, raising vegan kids in a very non-vegan world. I knew I would get and have questions, and I wanted a platform to share the answers for others who might be going through the same thing.
My goal is to share my experiences with authenticity and humor. I hope you enjoy it!
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Nov 18, 20215 min read
Learning A Different Different
Until now, we have not had to deal with food allergies or food issues (maybe this should be called food sensitivities/reactions?) in our...
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Feb 4, 20215 min read
Committing To Myself
In my previous post, I wrote about how I was determined to make myself a priority after I had my second baby, because I wasn't even on...
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Sep 16, 20206 min read
Maternity Leave--Take Two
I am over a month into life with another newborn, and it is going MUCH more smoothly
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Aug 13, 20206 min read
Expedited Delivery
I recently delivered our second baby, and the experience was vastly different from when I delivered our first.
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Jun 29, 20206 min read
She'll Have What You're Having
My daughter is starting to refuse the lunch I provide her from home because her buddies at daycare are having something different.
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May 16, 20205 min read
Having A Second
At first, I wasn't even sure I wanted to try for a second child because I could not imagine having to share my heart
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Apr 1, 20205 min read
Parenting During A Pandemic
I know we are all feeling it in one way or another. The stress this pandemic is causing. I believe some of it is exaggerated (not the...
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Jan 9, 20204 min read
We Survived Our First Family Flight!
I was dreading it, but we did it. Specifically, I did it. I survived. We traveled to see my parents, and that meant flying with our...
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Oct 9, 20193 min read
Is It Because She's Vegan?
My daughter is 15 months old (on the date of this writing) and she's not quite walking on her own yet, though she has made many strides...
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Aug 21, 20195 min read
Movin' On Up!
Well, this is the time for milestones! A recent major one was celebrating our daughter's first birthday. Shortly after that celebration,...
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Aug 2, 20195 min read
Made It Through The First Vegan Birthday Party!
Almost a month ago at this point, we celebrated our daughter's first birthday. We had a very, very small party a few days before her...
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Jun 29, 20195 min read
Braving The Parade
Since becoming a parent, more things used to stress me out than they used to. Which probably makes sense and it probably happens to a lot...
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Apr 27, 20195 min read
The Petting Zoo Pickle
As Easter was approaching, I was inspired to write this post because Easter provides many opportunities for people to connect with...
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Apr 7, 20194 min read
Not Sweating The Small Stuff
This post was inspired by a text conversation I was having with one of my baby's daycare teachers, and I think it's a good follow-up to...
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Mar 23, 20196 min read
Hell-Bent Against Helicopter Parenting
For as long as I can remember, I knew that, if I ever became a parent, I didn't want to be a "helicopter parent," one who hovers over her...
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Mar 2, 20198 min read
Plant-Based Eating And Baby-Led Weaning
As I mentioned in my very first post, I knew if I had a child I would want to raise him or her as a vegan. Well, here we are, almost 8...
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Feb 23, 20195 min read
If You Want To Dip Your Toe In The Vegan Water
**Before I get too far into this post, I'll put this out there for anyone who doesn't know: there can be a huge difference between...
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Feb 16, 20196 min read
The Influence Of Daycare
I knew from the beginning that I'd be going back to work after I had my baby. Even when I was on maternity leave and would get sad at the...
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