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Veggie Fueled Mama
My life as a mom raising vegan kids in the non-vegan Midwest
Welcome to Veggie Fueled Mama, my very own passion project: raising vegan children in a non-vegan town. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps Veggie Fueled Mama will ignite your own passions as well.

About The Blog
Truth be told, this blog was inspired by conversations with friends. I was inspired to document my journey as an older new mom, raising vegan kids in a very non-vegan world. I knew I would get and have questions, and I wanted a platform to share the answers for others who might be going through the same thing.
My goal is to share my experiences with authenticity and humor. I hope you enjoy it!
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Nov 18, 20215 min read
Learning A Different Different
Until now, we have not had to deal with food allergies or food issues (maybe this should be called food sensitivities/reactions?) in our...
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Jun 29, 20206 min read
She'll Have What You're Having
My daughter is starting to refuse the lunch I provide her from home because her buddies at daycare are having something different.
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Apr 27, 20195 min read
The Petting Zoo Pickle
As Easter was approaching, I was inspired to write this post because Easter provides many opportunities for people to connect with...
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Mar 2, 20198 min read
Plant-Based Eating And Baby-Led Weaning
As I mentioned in my very first post, I knew if I had a child I would want to raise him or her as a vegan. Well, here we are, almost 8...
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Feb 23, 20195 min read
If You Want To Dip Your Toe In The Vegan Water
**Before I get too far into this post, I'll put this out there for anyone who doesn't know: there can be a huge difference between...
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Feb 2, 20197 min read
My Breastfeeding Rollercoaster
Not every mother wants to breastfeed, and not every mother is capable of breastfeeding. Then there are breastfeeding mothers who under...
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Jan 12, 20199 min read
Maternity Leave is NOT a Vacation
When you're at the hospital, you have this wonderful option of allowing them to take your baby to the nursery so you can sleep. Not...
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Jan 5, 20198 min read
Can Labor and Delivery be Pleasant?!
**I will preface this post by saying that I know no two labor and delivery experiences are alike. They are not always pleasant, and many...
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